2023 Sustainability Report 

The sixth edition of the d’Amico Group's Sustainability Report highlights our ongoing efforts to align with the Corporate Social Reporting Directive (CSRD). This report measures and communicates the social, environmental, and economic value produced by the Group, enabling stakeholders to make informed evaluations. In 2023, we achieved several key milestones. We completed our first double materiality assessment, identifying impacts, risks, and opportunities (IRO) within the Group's operations. We also detailed policies for managing risks and material impacts related to sustainability themes and initially aligned our ESG KPIs with the new ESRS Standards. Our commitment to sustainability guides every decision we pursue, ensuring a positive contribution to the environment and society. With the collective effort of our team, we strive to create a more sustainable future, facing upcoming challenges with passion and enthusiasm.

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2023 Sustainability Highlights

d'Amico Group Sustainability Route

Rigorously respecting current regulations, the d’Amico Group has always committed to operational procedures, safety procedures and environmental protection and above all, has contributed to sustainable development. For this reason, the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy has been strengthened over recent years, increasingly showing full understanding and the importance placed on environmental and social aspects. 

The Global Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity, with the goal to guide the world over the next decade. It contains 17 goals (SDGs), divided into 169 targets to be reached by 2030. In line with the vision expressed by the 2030 Agenda, the Group believes that its strong commitment to making a true contribution to the sustainable development of businesses and the economy is crucial.


d'Amico Group Sustainability strategy is an expression of all the energy and resources which the Group uses in various ways: from defending and protecting the environment to helping needy populations and supporting and funding cultural and social initiatives. Moreover, the d’Amico Group is also committed at the forefront to sustaining training projects, cooperating with scholastic and academic institutions.


Protecting and respecting the environment is a mission for the d’Amico Group. The environmental policy has a central bearing on the aims of the integrated management System of adopting international certifications.  

All efforts are focused on preserving the marine environment from pollution and excessive over-use via participation in various projects.

The d’Amico Group is aware of the importance of its own role and constantly promotes responsible behavior towards the environment.


d'Amico Group has signed a three-year partnership with Ogyre, an Italian "benefit corporation" and startup that focuses on marine litter collection and operates in Italy, Brazil, and Indonesia. Ogyre proudly stands as the world's first global platform for recovering litter from the oceans by working with local fishermen. Their dedication to tackling the critical issue of marine pollution aligns perfectly with the values of the Group.

This partnership marks the beginning of a three-year plan, during which d'Amico Group will support the activities for collecting a total of 10,500 kg of waste from the oceans. Through this collaboration with Ogyre, we aim to raise awareness and make a tangible impact on the preservation and conservation of marine ecosystems.

d’Amico Group supports the Associazione Promotore Musei del Mare e della Navigazione Onlus to promote and to develop the cultural and environmental heritage of the maritime Italian tradition. The Association gathers companies and institutions operating in the shipping field and contributes to the growth and the expansion of the Sea Museum to realize events, publications, conferences and exhibitions. d'Amico Group contributed to the relalization of the "Sala Armatori" (the Owners' room) which can be also visited on a virtual tour at the following link.

d’Amico Società di Navigazione is partner of the Istituto Italiano di Navigazione. Founded in 1959, the organization considers itself a link between the various institutions and businesses to promote the development and spread of the technical and scientific culture of navigation and shipping (whether this be maritime, on land, by air or spatially) and to deepen the rights, jurisprudence, management and the economy linked to the sector. 


The d’Amico Group has always been committed to sustaining events in favor of the protection of human life, scientific research and giving its own contribution to reconstructing and developing towns and cities struck by natural disasters.

For the d’Amico Group, solidarity is a moral obligation. It is committed to supporting charitable activities all over the world to assist the most needy populations and territories and significant attention is paid to children who represent the future.


 d’Amico Group signed a partnership with the Atlantic Youth Trust and the support to the social and environmental activities of the Charity.

The Atlantic Youth Trust has purchased a beautiful triple masted schooner which will sail under the Irish flag and the name the Grace O’Malley around Ireland. The Atlantic Youth Trust was set up in 2013 and is established as a company limited by guarantee in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The Atlantic Youth Trust objective is to connect young people with the ocean and its values engaging them not only in developing their maritime skills but also with educational programmes on ecological conservation and sustainability that incorporate the use and learning of ocean science data collection methods. In recent years, a wide range of stakeholders have been involved in the development of a business model and case for youth development in the context of sail training on a tall ship which is the evolution of this project.

The Association “Il Porto dei Piccoli”, founded in 2005, is addressed to all the children that experience an illness (regardless the pathology) and to their families, with the aims of supporting the path against the disease and a safe harbour in which they can find comprehension and assistance. The sea represents a constant feature of the playful and pedagogical activities, daily offered by the Onlus operators.
In almost 13 years, Il Porto dei Piccoli, through more than fifty thousand hours of activities, involved more than thirteen thousand children, thanks to specifically dedicated projects and initiatives, in different Italian regions, and to the support of a great number of companies, among which d’Amico Group.

​The Save the Children Emergency Fund sets out to provide prompt assistance and aid to people affected by natural disasters and war. In working with the Fund, the d'Amico Group aim is to support children who need help and protection, providing food, water, shelter, care and education

​The goal of the Telethon Foundation is to speed up the process involved in finding a cure for rare genetic diseases by funding biomedical research. d'Amico Group believes that its contribution, as a partner, will help support the research required in order to find cures. From 2023, the d'Amico Group joins the "Business Club" supporting the "Come a casa" project (Like at Home) to help many families cope with the long journey of caring for their children.

The Fondo Malattie Renali del Bambino is an Italian non-profit organization with the mission to work for the prevention, care and study of kidney disease in the children. For many years d'Amico supports the Fund in order to ensure that children receive the needed assistance in order to enjoy a perfectly normal life. 

The d’Amico Group, with the Ship-owners as honorary members, supports the Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.). The institution came about in 1935 with the objective of supplying radio-medical assistance for sailors on board ships without a physician, of any nationality and on all seas. The C.I.R.M. has its headquarters in Rome where it carries out free and continuous medical serves, 24/7. For almost 80 years, the Institution has assisted about 70,000 sick people and carried out no less than 800,000 medical telephone consultations, making the Center the most renowned in the world in this particular skill-set.

Support for Education

One of the most important principles of d’Amico Group is to promote orientation, education and professional development of its employees but not only.

By financing different kind of projects at various level of education, d’Amico contributes to growing paths in order to build successfully careers.



Founded by d'Amico in partnership with other major Italian institutional partners, the ITS Academy Fondazione G. Caboto provides training for specialized technicians, offering post-diploma courses to those who intend to follow an international career in shipping.

The Student Naval Architect Award is presented to students studying naval architecture or related subjects at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa, who achieve the best results in their final individual projects or examinations. d’Amico and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects co-sponsor this award with the purpose of rewarding the excellence in the field of marine engineering.

The Master’s Degree in HR & Social Recruiting held by IPE (Institute for Research and Education) in Naples is a unique educational programme in Italy. Its aim is to train professional experts in selection, management and evaluation processes of Human Resources that, in addition to basic skills, acquire the skills necessary for digital corporate transformation through social recruiting techniques, employer branding and change management. Thanks to this collaboration every year students can develop a final work-project with the Group. d'Amico also gives the most deserving students the opportunity to do an internship at the HR department. The Master’s programme boasts a 100% placement rate and is accessible annually through a scholarship provided by d’Amico Group.

The Connecticut Maritime Association is a non-profit trade association representing people from all over the Shipping and Trade Industry in which d'Amico Group actively participates. The association was founded in 1984 and has more than 1,300 active members. The CMA organizes many regular events, at which are discussed relevant issues related to the shipping industry. d'Amico Group supports students intending to enter our industry, providing an award ì to the students who win the CMA Essay Contest, which invites University students to submit papers focusing on the shipping industry.


d’Amico Group supports since always arts and cultural events worldwide.

Moreover, its bond with the territory, the will to spread the Made in Italy brand in the world and its cultural background drive us towards the preservation of artistic, historical and traditional heritage.

d’Amico Group believes that its commitment makes the difference by promoting different forms of art.
The company also supports the world of art and culture in order to introduce social, cultural, economic and environmental topics to an ever wider public audience.


The Owner’s Cabin is a project created and sponsored by d’Amico Group with the objective of hosting artists on board its vessels for 14-60 days each. Through the project the artists will be encouraged to consider and reflect on themes and ideas surrounding international trade, local/ global interaction, travel, culture, time and space, so that once they disembark their work can bring consideration and continued discussion of these notions to a broader public.

d'Amico Società di Navigazione is part of "I 200 del FAI", a group of generous supporters who, together with their companies, sustain the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano in the mission of protection, care and enhancement of the historical, artistic and environmental Italian heritage.
Alongside the Foundation since 1987, "I 200 del FAI" contribute to increasing the recapitalization fund and financing important restoration projects and the core activities. 
If today the FAI protects 61 properties, has over 190,000 members and involves millions of people in initiatives of awareness and protection of the most beloved places in Italy, it is thanks to and above all to "I 200 of FAI".